History Talk
Forgotten History of Rokeby

Come and discover the colonial town lost to the flames of the 1967 Bushfires. With the help of historian Lorraine Redway we will revisit the history of this fascinating place from the displaced Norfolk Island farmers who founded the town through to Robert Knopwood, Tasmania’s first Anglican minister whose diaries give us a vivid insight into life in the colonial era. Brought to you by Tranmere and Clarence Plains Land and Coastcare Inc.
Start/End point: St Matthew’s Church, King Street, Rokeby
Walking difficulty: Easy, but bear in mind it is a 2 hr walk
Shoes: Please wear sturdy walking shoes and wear appropriate outdoor, all-weather attire
Bring a drink bottle.
A limited number of hearing augmentation packs are available for those who would like one – please book one with your ticket.